Tuesday 2 October 2012

Pao Frances/ French Bread


Fiz a receita  do Pao Frances e servi com essa delicia de azeite com ervas ou pode ser manteiga com ervas ( como preferir) , ficou saboroso e meus convidados adoraram. Para fazer essa receita de azeite com ervas e' bem simples, somente seguir as instrucoes da foto, as ervas sao: mangericao, alecrim, oregano fresco, salsinha e cebolinha ( se desejar). Bom Apetite!!!!!!

   I baked the French Bread recipe and I served the butter with herbs or  could be olive oil with herbs  (as the picture is showing)..... it was so yummy and my guests was liking the fingers!!!!!!!! To make the butter with herbs or olive oil is very easy, only follow the picture. I used basil, fresh oregano, parsley, rosemary, spring onion (if desire). Try it!!!!!!!

Abaixo esta' a receita do Pao Frances..... 

See below the French Bread recipe ..........

French Bread Recipe....

2 TBL. Dry Active Yeast
2 TBL. of Sugar
3 Cups of warm water.
1 TBL Sea Salt
4 Cups of Unbleached White Bread Flour
2 Cups of Unbleached Whole Wheat Bread Flour

Mix sugar and yeast in a small mixing bowl.
Add warm water and let yeast mixture dissolve for five minutes.
Your yeast mixture should be frothy.
(Kitchen Aid instructions)
If you don't have a kitchen aid, hand knead your dough.
While yeast is dissolving, in a separate small mixing bowl mix white flour and sea salt.
Once yeast has dissolved pour into kitchen aid mixing bowl.
Add white flour mixture to yeast mixture one cup at a time, hand whisking mixture until 
smooth, after every cup.
Attach your dough hook and mixing bowl to your kitchen aid.
Add wheat flour one cup at a time mixing well with the dough hook.
Knead the finished dough with dough hook for five to seven minutes.
Your dough should be slightly sticky.
Cover with damp cloth and let the dough rise for a total of one hour.
During that hour punch down the dough and slightly stir every 10 minutes,
this gives your dough the unique french bread texture you are looking for.
On a floured surface divide dough into two sections.
Roll each section into a long rectangular form.
Fold over rectangle length wise then fold into french bread form.
Pinch all edges.
Place both rolls on a greased jelly roll pan.
Make 1/4 inch deep slashes across loaves.
Let loaves rise for 20 minutes.
Bake at 400F for approximately 18 to 24 minutes,
or until the bottom of the loaves are golden brown.

Receita Pao Frances

2 colheres de sopa de fermento granulado para pao
2 colheres de sopa de acucar
3 xicaras de agua morna
1 colher de sopa de sal marinho
4 xicaras de farinha de trigo
2 xicaras de farinha de trigo integral

Em uma bacia, misturar o fermento granulado com o acucar e por ultimo acrescentar a agua morna, mexer por 5 minutos. 

Se voce nao tiver uma batedeira Kitchen Aid ou Kenwood, amassar na mao.

Misturar a farinha de trigo branca e o sal, depois que o fermento estiver bem dissolvido e com aparencia de crescido, colocar o fermento com a farinha de trigo branca e o sal e amassar ou bater na batedeira ate' estiver bem misturados, aos poucos va' adicionando a farinha de trigo integral  nessa mistura ate' obter 7 minutos batido na batedeira ou amassando a mao, a massa devera' estar grudando e lisa. Deixar descansar por 1 hora e cobrir com um pano de prato umido.  Durante essa 1 hora, sovar a massa a cada 10 minutos, so' assim voce tera' um pao frances de verdade. Depois de ter sovado a massa e descansado por 1 hora, dividir a massa em 2. Cortar em forma retangular longa e enrolar, apertar as bordas. Em uma assadeira retangular longa, untar com oleo a assadeira,  colocar a massa do pao e deixe crescer por mais 20 minutos.  Aquecer o forno a 200 graus . Levar para assar o pao frances  por 18 a 20 minutos ou ate' o pao estar dourado.

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